Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, a sort-of prequel to Alien, is beautiful, haunting, with stunning visuals, gorgeous long shots, an inspiring score, occasionally brilliant exposition and a handful of excellent performances. Continue reading Review: Prometheus
Category Archives: movies
TV Science Fiction in 2010
My original intent with this article was to list the top science fiction events of the year. But a few problems quickly arose: Continue reading TV Science Fiction in 2010
The 2010 Hugos
(This article was originally a blog post.)
The nominees for the 2010 Hugo Awards were announced this week. If you don’t know, the Hugos are the premier science fiction awards, the Pulitzer for the nerd set, if you will. I won’t mention the novels or short stories, since few of you have heard of them. Rather, let’s look at the dramatic entries, bot long and short form. Continue reading The 2010 Hugos
Review: Avatar
First, let’s get this out of the way. Yes, Avatar was an unbelievable visual spectacle. That’s what everyone will be talking about, I’m sure. In fact, the quality of the 3-D effects, the richness of the visual world that James Cameron has created, and the thickness and believability of the visual characters are, without question, marvels to behold. Is that enough to warrant the price of admission? Actually, yes, I think it is. In fact, 3-D might be Hollywood’s salvation against online piracy: you just can’t duplicate Avatar‘s big screen, three dimensional effect on your computer screen. Continue reading Review: Avatar
Review: Star Trek XI

Well y’all knew this was coming. Star Trekwas a huge influence on my life. I know whenever someone says something like that, the common response is one of pitious disdain. But people need to remember that science fiction was a rarity in the early 70s, and smart entertainment accessible by children rarer still. Even more obscure were role models in such a milieu that were appreciable by ethnicities other than the White North American mainstream. Continue reading Review: Star Trek XI
2008 Science Fiction Year in Review
It’s 10pm Dec 31st, 2008, and I’m a little tipsy on a shot of whiskey, but stuck in bed, sick with a tummy ache. Since I’m not able to attend any New Years Eve parties, why not invest a moment in reflecting on the past year in science fiction? Continue reading 2008 Science Fiction Year in Review
The Andromeda Strain (Part 1)
(This review is part 1 of 2)
Released as a miniseries by A&E in the spring of 2008, The Andromeda Strain is based on Michael Crichton’s classic 1969 science fiction novel of the same name. TAS-08 is written by Robert Schenkken (who played David Deaver in the 1990 film Pump up the Volume), and is directed by Denmark’s Mikael Salomon, more famously known as the cinematographer on several Oscar winning films (Far and Away, Back Draft, Arachnophobia). Continue reading The Andromeda Strain (Part 1)
Review: Stargate Continuum
The following is a review of the direct-to-dvd movie, Stargate: Continuum. Beware that spoilers abound!
I am an unabashed fan of all things Stargate. This site has in the past featured reviews of the final Sg-1 episode, Unending , and of the first Sg-1 direct-to-dvd movie, The Ark of Truth. Stargate was the true succesor to the Star Trek crown, a beloved and long-lived franchise embodying the best of (North) American science fiction. It was thus with love and anticipation that I viewed the latest, and perhaps final, SG-1 movie, Continuum.
Review: Star Trek – Of Gods and Men
Fan-made movies/installments/episodes of any show are the ultimate expression of both love and hardcore geekery. And no franchise in the history of science fiction has inspired more such productions than Star Trek; not just any version of Star Trek, either, but the mothership– James Kirk’s original vehicle. There’s something about that pioneering show that continues to inspire enormous dedication and passion from thousands of fans, nearly five decades later.
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom of the Crystal Turd
This article was originally a blog post.
The following contains spoilers for the movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull…
About four years ago I was horrified when my girlfriend at the time mentioned casually how she did not care for any of the Indiana Jones movies. Instead, she preferred the piece of steaming crap we had just finished seeing: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. I knew then that the relationship was doomed to failure.
For a generation of sofa-bound adventure types, the Jones movies are the pinnacle of laddish delights. Through them, we travel to a time and place where intellect and two-fisted bravado can coexist, where the good guys are really good, and the bad guys are the worst of the worst. It’s a place where clues are solved with both your brain and your testicles, and where mind, heart and spirit conjoin to produce heroism in its most profound form. Continue reading Indiana Jones And The Kingdom of the Crystal Turd